What Is The Masculine Revival Brotherhood?

We are a community of growth-minded men who are collectively striving to excel in all of our roles and responsibilities as men.

Through our weekly men’s group meetings, we support, encourage and push each other to become better versions of ourselves.

Our Brotherhood is broken into smaller “men’s groups” that have 10-12 members per group. Each group meets once a week on Zoom, on the same day, at the same time, for a 2.5 hour men’s group meeting.

Each men’s group is led by a trained men’s group facilitator.

Why Masculine Revival?

Let’s be honest. Modern men are struggling. There is no shortage of challenges facing men today. And most of the answers being provided miss the mark. In this day and age, we need all the help we can get if we are going to be the type of husbands, fathers and men that our culture desperately needs more of.

Our men’s groups offer a proven and effective system for men to get their lives together, to up-level in profound ways, and to step into healthier and stronger versions of themselves.

We offer a men’s only space for men to work through their internal baggage and to get the support, accountability and camaraderie that they need to thrive in the modern world.

We are a community of men who value the power of the family unit and the sanctity of marriage. We recognize and respect the distinct differences between men and women, believing that men and women are equal in worth, but are different by their design. We encourage men to lovingly and healthily lead in their lives, marriages and families. We encourage men to be men and to pursue excellence in all of their duties and responsibilities as men.

We uphold traditional values, and do not bend the knee to the woke social agendas that seek to undermine masculinity, femininity, marriage, and the family unit. Our members are primarily Christian, but you do not need to be Christian to join, and we happily welcome non-Christian men.

Our Values.

What is the commitment to join?

  • Ability to consistently attend weekly 2.5 hour meetings.

  • Able to make membership payments ($165 USD/28 Days)

  • Have the time, energy and desire to create real change and growth in your life.

The Power of a Men’s Group.

Modern men are often completely lacking real brotherhood in their lives. We aren’t talking about buddies who you can hang out and chit chat with. We are talking about men who you can get real with, who have your back, and who are fighting similar battles to each other. Real brotherhood prompts men to drop their boyishness, their vices and to overcome their struggles. Real brotherhood helps men reclaim their masculinity and to step into manhood with both feet. 

Our men’s groups offer all of this and more. Ready to join countless other men who have radically changed their lives through Masculine Revival?

The Brotherhood was founded by Brendan Schmidt and had its first meeting on June 7th, 2021. What began with Brendan and just four other men, has since grown to 5+ men’s groups with 55+ members in our community. 

After growing up fatherless and struggling immensely for most of his 20s, Brendan experienced a life changing transformation in a men’s group. That transformation sparked a passion for “men’s work”, and led him to starting Masculine Revival so that he could share that experience with as many men as possible.

Our History.

Our Leaders.

Meet our trained men’s group facilitators who are on The Masculine Revival Brotherhood Leadership Team.


Check out our FAQ’s page.