• A men’s group is a space centered around growth, accountability, challenge, support and brotherhood.

    A men’s group is a space for a man to strengthen his masculinity, face himself and his fears, develop bonds through brotherhood, and be held accountable to becoming the type of man that he wants to be.

  • Men’s groups have many different formats but the essence of them is the same.

    Men show up in a space as men, with men, for men.

    Each meeting, you are expected to check in about your previous week and you have the space to both be heard, and to listen to other men.

    Exercises, processes, group questions, accountability and commitments, goal setting, and reflection are all features of a men’s group.

  • Men join men’s groups for a huge variety of reasons.

    Here are some common ones:

    Relationship struggles, fear of connecting to other men, seeking healing, growth, and learning; wanting support, accountability, and friendship, facing fears, limitations and obstacles in life; emotional distress, wanting to grow in masculinity, understand how to be a man, or to become a better man.

  • The groups don’t have a set end point, they run indefinitely every week.

    It is a month to month commitment and you can leave at any time.

    From what we have seen, when guys get a spot they tend to hold onto it seeing that it is so difficult to cultivate brotherhood and meaningful male bonds in day to day life.

    We have men that have been in the brotherhood for over three years.

  • Yes, the cost is $165USD/28 days.

    Personal transformation requires having skin in the game. You have to be willing to sacrifice something to create the change you want.

    Free groups lack the level of commitment and accountability that we strive to create in our groups, which is one of the reasons we have had so many men use our groups as a launching pad to go onto achieve success in all areas of their lives.

  • This a common question and the short answer is a resounding yes.

    Many men leave the brotherhood with lifelong friendships intact. There are also ample opportunities for meet-ups and in person connections/events.

    Guys are frequently surprised at how quickly bonds can be formed in our brotherhood.

  • Yes, your schedule must permit you to be able to regularly attend weekly meetings.

    Our groups work because the men are fully bought into the process and the weekly rhythm of attending meetings.

    The only acceptable reason to miss a meeting is sickness, vacation, unexpected work, or a family emergency.

    Again, these are not drop-in groups. Our groups require weekly attendance to function at their best.

  • The point of our groups is to grow as men, and to create and maintain forward movement in our lives. The Brotherhood also offers a men’s only space, which is increasingly rare nowadays. In this space, men can speak freely about their struggles and challenges. Through the support, intensity and challenges that the group provides, men often heal from their past, forgive and let go of the burdens and baggage that they are carrying, and step into stronger, healthier versions of themselves.

    The point of a men’s group is multi-fold, and we like to say that men’s group is an experiential process, meaning that it cannot be reduced to a theory or simple how-to guide. It must be experienced for oneself.

  • Our men’s groups are for men only, and use must be at least 21 years of age in order to join. The average age of our members is 30-35, but at any given time we have members from the ages of 21-65 inside the brotherhood.

    The culture within the Brotherhood is one that upholds the value of marriage, family and traditional masculinity. We encourage men to reject the degenerate ways of our fallen culture, and to pursue being virtuous, Godly men. Most of our members are Christian, but all of them at the very least have a respect for traditional values. You do not need to be a Christian to join.

  • In a typical men’s group meeting, the men will check in about their previous week, and then we will have time for guys to share more in depth about anything that they could use support or feedback around. The group leader will occasionally take the group through a process or exercise. Meetings conclude with the men sharing what they are committed to accomplishing in the upcoming week.

    Again, men’s group is an experiential process, so this is an extremely brief overview of what happens inside a typical meeting. The transformation, healing, growth and breakthroughs happen within the structure of our meetings. Come and see for yourself!


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