Meet Our Men’s Group Leaders

Brendan Schmidt

Founder & Group Leader

Brendan grew up without a father and spent the first half of his 20s struggling to put the pieces together in his life. Joining a men’s group in 2018 took him from severe anxiety and depression to a capable leader, husband and father.

Brendan has been serving men and women all over the world through his writing and work since 2020.

Larry Gaier

Group Leader

Larry is a coach and speaker who has guided physical, mental and communicative transformations for hundreds of people.

Larry first joined the brotherhood in September 2021, and has demonstrated tremendous leadership ability, successfully leading one of the brotherhood men’s groups for the last year and a half.

He is an exceptional facilitator and has been on an inspiring personal growth and transformation journey, and is now sharing that experience with the men he leads in the brotherhood.

Konrad Young

Group Leader

Konrad is 31 and lives in Ontario, Canada. He has spent the last 15 years building his body and mind through dedication to fitness and physical training. After experiencing immense growth as a brotherhood member, Konrad is now taking his personal growth and blue collar work ethic into a leadership role within the brotherhood.

Anthony Miller

Group Leader

Anthony is a husband, father, and USMC veteran. His walk with Christ has completly changed his life and he is now on a mission to help more people experience the same transformation that he did. Anthony is an avid hunter and outdoorsmen, boasting an impressive skillset at just 24 years of age. Anthony is the youngest leader to ever be promoted in the brotherhood, which says a lot about his character and level of personal development.

Caleb Anderson

Assistant Group Leader

Caleb is a calm and insightful leader. He joined the brotherhood in July 2022 seeking support due to his father’s recent passing. The brotherhood provided a space to process his loss, to celebrate the man his father was and to grieve the man his father wasn’t. Experiencing how effective the group and the support was, he leaned in and examined all areas of his life.

He quit an unfulfilling job & flamed his entrepreneurial fire by starting a construction company, Anderson’s Legacy. Caleb is now happily married & expecting his first child.

Ryan Morris

Assistant Group Leader

Ryan joined the brotherhood in August 2022, seeking to understand how to grow as a leader and a man. Through the support of brothers, he had been able to shed the “nice guy”, overcome feminist ideologies, grow in accountability and responsibility, as well as be the husband and friend he never knew possible.

He is building his house, owns a construction company and maintains a loving a growing relationship with his wife out in Idaho. Among other things… he is often dubbed “the most interesting man” by his peers.