“I will forever value my time in the brotherhood, and have found so much more confidence in myself, conviction in who I am, and grace to walk in strength since I have joined. This group has fundamentally changed me as a man, and had a large impact on my relationship with others.”

“I have gained enormous value, both in learning and teaching. I truly believe we were meant for community and having men who can challenge me, motivate me, encourage, celebrate, etc. I have gained brothers I can go to that I trust to speak truth to me. It is well and truly worth the investment.”

“Being in the brotherhood has been a life changing experience. Since joining I’ve recognized that being strong, meaningful relationship with other men has been a missing necessity. This brotherhood has been a catalyst in redirecting me onto the path to becoming the man I claim I want to be.”

“Men’s group is the rare place where a modern man can experience the power of brotherhood. The group molded me into a better man. I have become a father, leader, strong husband, Christian and a man with a mission.”

“I can say without a doubt that it has been the biggest catalyst for change in my life. If you are on the fence, join! And put your 100% effort into this work. You will not regret it!”

“I would recommend it to any man who wants to improve their life and their relationships.

“My life is better and continues to get better… I have grown closer to the men in my group then men I’ve known for 25+ years… I can easily testify that this group will change your life for the better in more ways than you can imagine.”

“I have gained more than I could have imagined. My business is booming, my relationships are righteous, I’ve lost 40 pounds, and I have made brothers for life.”

“I joined the group hoping it would be helpful, but what I got I could not have expected. I can truly say that the Brotherhood has shaped me in ways I didn’t think were possible.”

“Without a doubt the biggest catalyst for change in my life has been men’s group. Forever my life and family will be on an upward projection because of the work I have done with my brothers.”

“I have gone from a totally risk averse effeminate boy living in his parents house, to a man who is growing more into his power every day, moving out of my parents house, starting my own business, losing 40 pounds, and enhancing all of my relationships. This is the catalyst you need for your life!

“I now have the support of guys I trust and am working towards building the life I’ve always wanted. I am stepping into a new version of myself and wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help of the Brotherhood.”